A demo account is needed for:

  • creating or testing a trading strategy
  • getting acquainted with the main functionality of the platform
  • training. Improve your trading skills
  • preparing for contests or trading competitions
  • testing the advantages of our platform - imbalance monitor, htb/etb indicators, cheap locates, stock filters.
– How the demo account works:

A demo account is opened instantly in your personal account.


1) the US stock market is not open 24/7, the demo account is only active during market hours (9:30 AM EST to 4:00 PM EST)

2) we provide 5 platforms, so before issuing a demo account, we contact you to help you choose the platform you will trade on in the future.

Demo account on RT and Alpha Trader platforms with real quotes. Sterling Trader, Lightspeed Trader and Takion – with a delay of 15 minutes.

The demo account is valid for 14 days. It is provided free of charge.

Using a demo account for more than 14 days is paid. You can purchase such demo simulators with real-time quotes at the link.

You can use the demo account for free for more than 14 days when opening an account, participating in the combine or studying at Trading School courses.

The platform is installed only on the desktop. The mobile application is under development.

Trading stocks is an interesting and serious business. To make a profit, you need to know how the industry works and understand how everything works. We give a systematic answer to this question in the basic training course.

Learn more about trading platforms

Demo accounts on the RT and Alfa platforms have real-time quotes and are as close as possible to real order execution. Accounts on other platforms allow you to get acquainted with the functionality, but are not adapted for demo trading and have a quote delay of 15 minutes.

Get demo account